Tanz Der Vampire — Libretto (English translation)

1. Akt

  1. Overture
  2. Scene 1: Somewhere in the Transylvanian wilderness
    1. He, ho, Professor —Alfred
  3. Scene 2: Lounge in Chagal’s inn
    1. Garlic —Ensemble
  4. Scene 3: Upstairs in Chagal’s guesthouse
    1. A Pretty Daughter Is a Blessing —Chagal
  5. Scene 4: Cross-section through Chagal’s inn
    1. Never Ever Seen —Alfred, Sarah, Chagal, Rebecca, Magda
  6. Scene 5: Outside Chagal’s inn
    1. God Is Dead —Von Krolock, Vampires, Sarah
  7. Scene 6: In front of Chagal’s inn
    1. Everything’s Bright —Chagal, Rebecca, Magda
    2. Truth —Abronsius
  8. Scene 7: Top floor of Chagal’s inn
    1. You’re Really Very Nice —Alfred, Sarah
    2. Invitation to the Ball —Von Krolock
  9. Scene 8: In front of Chagal’s inn
    1. Freedom Is Out There —Alfred, Sarah
    2. The Red Boots — Dance
  10. Scene 9: The lounge of Chagal’s inn
    1. Garlic (reprise) —Ensemble
    2. Guts / The Wolves Are Dangerous / Truth (reprise) —Abronsius
    3. Death Is such an Odd Thing —Magda
    4. Through the wilderness to the castle
  11. Scene 10: In front of the castle gateway
    1. Get Ready —Vampires
    2. Blessed Be the Night —Von Krolock
    3. Blessed Be the Man —Von Krolock, Alfred
    4. Finale Act One —Von Krolock

2. Akt

  1. Scene 1: Castle hall
    1. Total Eclipse —Sarah, Von Krolock, Ensemble
  2. Scene 2: Bedroom in Von Krolock’s Castle
    1. Carpe Noctem! —Vampires
    2. Everything’s Fine —Abronsius, Alfred
  3. Scene 3: The Crypt
    1. Human Willpower Is Stronger —Abronsius, Alfred
    2. Human Lust Is Stronger —Chagal, Rebecca, Koukol
  4. Scene 4: Library
    1. Song of Books —Abronsius
  5. Scene 5: Bathroom
    1. Freedom Is Out There (reprise) —Sarah, Alfred
    2. For Sarah —Alfred
  6. Scene 6: “Mirror Library”
    1. Song of Books (reprise) —Abronsius, Alfred
    2. When Love Is Within You —Alfred
  7. Scene 7: “Mirror-Bathroom”
    1. When Love Is Within You (cont.) —Herbert, Alfred
  8. Scene 8: Tower and cemetary
    1. He, Ho, Professor (reprise) —Von Krolock, Abronsius
    2. Eternity —Vampires
    3. The Insatiable Appetite —Von Krolock
  9. Scene 9: Ballroom
    1. Eternity (reprise)
    2. Welome Brethren —Von Krolock, Herbert, Vampires
    3. God Is Dead (reprise) —Vampire
    4. Total Eclipse (reprise) —Von Krolock, Sarah, Vampires
    5. Minuet — Dance
  10. Scene 10: Somewhere in the Transylvanian Wilderness
    1. Through the wilderness (reprise)
    2. Freedom Is Out There (reprise) —Alfred, Sarah
    3. The Dance of The Vampires—Finale —Abronsius, Vampire

First Act

1. Somewhere in the Transylvanian wilderness

Night. Alfred, the young hero of our story, trudges through the snow, laden with suitcases and bags. Helpless, he comes to a standstill. He calls in the darkness:

Alfred: Professor?

Hey, ho, hey!
Where are you Professor?
Hey, ho, hey!
Where shall I go?

A calming thought occurs to him.

He probably sat down somewhere, to write an observation in his notebook.
When Professor Abronsius makes his notes, the world is dead to him.

Another thought startles him.

If... if only he isn’t dead!

Another try...

Hey, ho, hey!
Just a sign, Professor!
Hey, ho, hey!
I can’t see you

I must find him, or he will freeze to death
What a sad end that would be for a man like him!

An invisible wolf gives a long howl.

It will be all over the newspapers:
"Scientist killed in Transylvania."
And no-one will read about me
No-one will miss Alfred

The wolf’s howl ends. Alfred calls to his companion again.

Hey, ho, hey!
Do you hear me, it’s me, Professor
Your clever
And refined

He spots Professor Abronsius’ umbrella jutting out of a snowdrift and rushes towards it. He finds the professor, frozen stiff from the ice. He lifts the Professor over his shoulders, picks up the baggage and exits as it gets dark.

The sounds of fiddle music and singing come from a distance.

Chagal and Guests: Garlic! Garlic!
Garlic! Garlic!
Garlic! Garlic!
Garlic! Garlic!

Scene change

2. Lounge in Chagal’s inn

Guests dance to music provided by violinists in a village inn. The dance is clumsy and ungainly, like the dancers — residents of the Transylvanian village in which we find ourselves. The guests eventually take their places at the wooden tables, to drink, eat and smoke their pipes. The landlord, Chagal, goes from table to table and supervises the work of his pretty maid, Magda, who serves the guests. At the back of the stage, we see Chagal’s wife Rebecca, standing in the kitchen, cooking.

Chagal and Guests: A small pipe and a vodka
And a fiddle-dee-dee
The throats heal
The women are horny
And the grind is over

Village Idiot: But the best things come to an end
Dragan: ...When the landlord signals to the food
Kolya: ...When the stew steams
Village’s Fool: ...And everybody munches
Dragan, Moron & Baran: ...Until he stinks from his pores
All: Until he stinks from his pores!

Chagal and Guests: Garlic! Garlic!
Is our passion
Garlic! Garlic!
Gives heart and soul power

It makes small things bigger
It makes common things noble
And makes what tires stronger
And makes what tires stronger

Rebecca: In meat there are maggots
Vegetables are dirty
Lard is rancid
Sauce is buggy
But everyone says it tastes good

Guests: Come with a full bowl!
With lots of garlic please!
It has fabulous effects
On gastric juices
Each bite tastes even better!
Each bite tastes even better!

Chagal rubs his hands. He gives Rebecca the signal to prepare even more portions. He slaps Magda’s bottom, so she gets another bottle of vodka.

All: Garlic! Garlic!
Puts life into the abdomen
Garlic! Garlic!
Makes the old young again

Lets the muscles swell
Lets the juices run
Garlic brings relief!
Garlic brings relief!

Magda: The young only want to run around
And the old only gabble
Chagal: Garlic makes men and boys
Into old Romeos!

All: Nothing on Earth is healthier
Especially here in winter
Dragan: Open your mouth
And we’ll belch

Village Idiot: Urrhg!
Kolya: And all worries will disappear!
All: And all worries will disappear

Rebecca: Garlic! Garlic!
I have always trusted it
Garlic! Garlic!
And strong sauerkraut

Chagal: The best-ever cooks
Will be speechless at the taste
Magda: They would be ill and the next day
They would explode with flatulence

Rebecca: Instead of the usual moaning
Everyone says "It’s delicious"
Chagal: Although the pap is fat and mealy
Every bite makes them happy

Rebecca, Chagal and Magda: Because garlic works wonders!
All: Because garlic works wonders!
Because garlic works wonders!
Because garlic works wonders!

Garlic! Garlic!
Garlic! Garlic!

Suddenly the door is opened from the outside. The wind whips a cloud of snow into the inn. Alfred, his face frozen blue, staggers in with the stiff Professor Abronsius on his shoulders. Alfred is laden with suitcases and bags. Everyone stares at Alfred, who drops his baggage but keeps hold of Professor Abronsius.

Dragan: Who’s that?
Baran: A stranger!
Kolya: No!
Magda: Two!
Dragan: What’s happened?

Rebecca: He’s frozen!
Magda: Stiff!
Dragan: From the cruel frost
Kolya: He’s gone!
Magda: Frozen
Rebecca: Iced

Chagal greets the new arrivals with a bow, while Alfred lets the frozen Professor Abronsius slide off his shoulder.

Chagal: I welcome you to the best hotel around...
Rebecca: Magda, bring the chair here, quick!
Chagal: ...comfortable and very fairly priced
Rebecca: Quick, Magda, hot water!
The steam will ease the cramps!

Chagal: Rub their noses with vodka!
Dragan: With dripping!
Kolya: With mustard!
Baran: With wine!
Chagal: With garlic!
All: Garlic! Garlic! Garlic!

Rebecca: Where is that hot water?
Magda: Here!

Magda brings a bowl of steaming water and sits, following Rebecca’s instructions, in front of Abronsius’ chair. The guests whisper curiously in a language we don’t understand.

Guests: Wuscha, buscha... wuscha, buscha!
Wuscha, buscha... wuscha, buscha!
Wuscha, buscha... wuscha, buscha!
Wuscha, buscha... wuscha, buscha!

Maga bogah... Maga bogah!
Maga bogah... Maga bogah!
Maga bogah... Maga bogah!
Maga bogah... Maga bogah!

Background music plays during the following footbath. Magda takes off the Professor’s shoes and socks, pushes the bowl under his bare feet and begins to massage his legs.

Alfred stares at Magda, fascinated by the neckline of her dress. He is so distracted that he doesn’t notice when Abronsius comes round. Abronsius opens his eyes, takes in the situation with one look and sees that the guests are wearing wreaths of garlic around their necks. He gives Alfred a jolt with his elbow.

Abronsius: What do you think of those small round things, boy?
Alfred (still looking at Magda’s cleavage): Small? They’re big!
Abronsius: Not those, you idiot! Those there

Now Alfred notices that Professor Abronsius is full of beans again.

Alfred: Are you alright now, Professor?
Abronsius (enthusiastically): That’s garlic. Garlic!

Now Alfred notices the garlic wreaths.

Alfred: You mean...
Abronsius (meaningfully): The aim of our mission is near!

To Chagal

Mr Landlord...
Chagal: My name is Chagal. At your service. I hope...
Abronsius (interrupting): Is there a castle near here?
Chagal: A castle? No
There isn’t even a windmill here, let alone a castle

To the guests, who are staring at the strangers with open mouths

Has anyone ever seen a castle here?

The guests shake their heads.
Only the village idiot nervously begins to say something.

Village Idiot: There’s the Count’s castle...

Before he can continue, several lumberjacks stop him by putting their hands over his mouth. The music stops at the same moment

Chagal: You heard them
No windmill, no castle
We only have a village idiot

Abronsius: And why is everyone here wearing garlic?
Chagal: Garlic?
Garlic helps against all kinds of things!

Rebecca: Boils...
Magda: Toothache...
Baran: Flatulence...
Chagal, Magda and Rebecca: Garlic heals these!
Garlic! Garlic! Garlic!
All: For scabies and for hair loss
At any time and everywhere!

All (except Alfred and Abronsius): Garlic! Garlic!
Is our passion
Garlic! Garlic!
Gives heart and soul power

It makes small things bigger
It makes delicate things braver
And makes what tires stronger
Chagal: And makes what tires stronger

Chagal picks up the baggage that Alfred dropped.

All: Garlic! Garlic!
Has proved its worth since olden times
Garlic! Garlic!
Feeds the heart and nerves

Every loser becomes a winner
Every wimp becomes a warrior
When garlic gets into him
When garlic gets in me
Garlic gets in you
Garlic gets in us

Chagal: I’ll show these men to their room

All: Garlic! Garlic!
Puts life into the abdomen
Garlic! Garlic!
Makes the old young again

Lets the muscles swell
Lets the juices run
And provides relief
And brings relief!

Garlic loosens the juices
Increases strength
Brings relief!

Lighting changes. Chagal leads Alfred and Professor Abronsius upstairs. Scene change.

3. Upstairs in Chagal’s Guesthouse.

Alfred and Professor Abronsius follow Chagal, who is carrying their luggage.

Chagal: Please, sirs, this way. Here it is!

We hear a woman’s voice singing.

Sarah’s voice: Ah-ah-ah...

The Professor stands still and listens. He turns to Alfred.

Abronsius: Do you hear that?
Alfred (with open mouth): It’s beautiful

Sarah’s voice (in the background): Ah-ah-ah...

Chagal groans under the weight of the luggage. He wants them both to move along. At the start of the corridor is Chagal’s daughter Sarah’s room, at the end is the guest room, to which Chagal leads the guests. In between is a bathroom. This can be entered from the corridor, from Sarah’s room or from the guest room (these rooms are on either side of the bathroom).

Chagal: Please, sirs...
Abronsius: What’s that?
Chagal: What?
Abronsius: Who is that singing?

Sarah’s voice (in the background): Ah-ah-ah...

Chagal: Nobody’s singing
Abronsius: Are you deaf? Somebody is singing
Chagal: Oh... it’s just the wind

Sarah’s voice (in the background): Ah-ah-ah...

Alfred: Heavenly!
Abronsius: The wind?

Professor Abronsius gives Alfred a meaningful look before moving on. The singing stops. The background music starts again.

Chagal: Here we are.
Abronsius: The wind!! Hah!

Chagal opens the door of the guest room and lets his guest enter first.

Chagal: Please, sirs, come in!

Professor Abronsius and Alfred enter the room. Chagal follows and puts down their luggage.

Our luxury suite. You won’t find anything better anywhere!

He goes to the door opposite the bed, which leads directly from the guest room to the bathroom.

And behind this door, sirs, is a modern bathroom — there’s nothing more comfortable!

Chagal opens the bathroom door.

Sarah: Oh!

First Alfred and Abronsius, then Chagal, see, through the bathroom door, Sarah sitting in the bath, naked but covered in foam. Embarrassed, she smiles at the men. The music stops.

Chagal: Sarah! But I’ve...Come here!

Sarah begins to follow her father’s instructions and lifts herself out of the foam. Chagal realizes that she’s naked.

No, no, no! Stay!

He pushes Alfred and Abronsius back and closes the door.

I forgot...my daughter. I’m sorry.
The bath will be free soon.

The background music starts again. Chagal says goodbye with a bow. He goes out of the room backwards and closes the door behind him, before moving away down the corridor. Professor Abronsius opens his suitcase and take out a stack of books, which he places on the bedside table. Meanwhile, Alfred goes back to the bathroom door.

In the bathroom, Sarah lifts herself out of the bath, wraps herself in a towel, which was laid beside the bath, and goes to her bedroom. She looks for her nightdress.

Alfred opens the bathroom door from the guestroom side, so that he can peek into the room. He sees Sarah’s sponge and picks it up. At that moment, Sarah comes back into the bathroom. Her eyes meet Alfred’s. She smiles mysteriously. Alfred puts the sponge down and goes back to the guestroom. Sarah takes the sponge and disappears back to her room. Alfred is bemused. He closes the bathroom door.

A little later, Chagal walks through the guestroom again, to get to the bathroom. He carries wooden slats under his arm, and an assortment of long nails is clamped between his lips. With apologetic gestures he goes past Alfred and Professor Abronsius. In the bathroom, he begins to barricade the door to Sarah’s room.

Chagal: A lovely daughter is a blessing
But a blessing which could drive you nuts
Because what is a father supposed to do
When the woman awakes in his child?

He first notices things about her
And he hides her or locks her up
Because he knows, as he’s a man himself
That every man is in some way a pig

He nails up the door

Sleep my curly darling
Dream my cosy kitten
Nobody must wake you
Nobody must discover you
You would be damaged
I would be damaged
We would be damaged
Stay with Daddy

In the guestroom, Alfred and Professor Abronsius prepare for a night’s sleep. Sarah has put her nightdress on and is sitting in front of her mirror.

The thought that a horny lecher
Fingers her wakes the animal in me
Before she kisses lecher
I’ll swing the hammer and block the door

Then I can lay down to sleep
And close my eyes
A lovely daughter is a blessing
But my fears for her rob me of my peace

He hammers

Sleep my curly-haired one
Dream my cosy little head
Nobody can steal you
I’ll never allow it
You would be damaged
I would be damaged
We would be damaged
Stay with Daddy!

A lovely daughter is a blessing
But a blessing that oppresses the heart
It can be put to no chain
And makes the father nearly moved!

Chagal makes sure that the door is firmly barricaded. Then he leaves through the other bathroom door. He creeps through the guestroom.

While Alfred and Professor Abronsius, who have just got into bed, stare after him in astonishment, Chagal makes soothing gestures. He quickly closes the door to the corridor and exits.

Black out. Scene change.

4. Cross-section through Chagal’s inn

In half-darkness we see through the walls of the guesthouse, into the various rooms on the upstairs floor. In the guestroom, the Professor is lying in bed, asleep. Alfred relaxes dreamily on a wooden bench. Sarah is in bed.

On the floor above are Chagal and Rebecca’s room and Magda’s chamber. Chagal and Rebecca are lying in a double bed, Magda sits hunched over her sewing.

Alfred: A girl with such a lovely smile
I have never seen
Sarah: Such a nice young man
I have never seen

Alfred and Sarah: I can’t get no sleep
But I’m also not awake
Because I’m dreaming
Since we met it makes sense -
What I’m doing
And also when I
Simply lose time...
Sarah: ...and dream

Alfred: A girl with such a lovely smile
Sarah: Such a nice young man...
Alfred: ...so naturally...
Sarah: ...dainty...
Alfred and Sarah: I have never seen before

Alfred and Sarah: Since I looked into these eyes
I can get no rest
I don’t know what happened to me
I only know that the reason is you
If I ever fall in love
Then surely...
Alfred: ...with a woman like you...
Sarah: ...with someone like you
Alfred: And perhaps...
Alfred and Sarah: ...you think also of me...

During the song, Chagal has crept out of bed in the upstairs bedroom. On tiptoe, he creeps through the house to get to Magda’s attic room. He stumbles in the dark corridor. Professor Abronsius hears him.

Abronsius: Boy, can you hear that?
Someone’s creeping through the house!
Something’s happening!
I don’t know what, but I’ll find out

Professor Abronsius gets up and goes to the door. Alfred doesn’t follow him.

Chagal enters Magda’s chamber. She is sewing. She seems neither surprised nor particularly pleased at the late visit.

Chagal: What are you doing, my sweet maid?
Magda: Sewing.
Chagal: Let me sit on your knee!
Such a faultless maid
I’ve never had before

In the bedroom, Rebecca has woken up. She misses her husband. Professor Abronsius creeps on tiptoe along the corridor — only his silhouette can be seen.

Chagal courts the reluctant Magda. Alfred and Sarah are completely sunken in their dreams.

Alfred, Sarah and Chagal: I feel a longing
I am confused and I want
When I dream
To lean on you
Surely my heart will be satisfied
When I am beside you
And lose time and dream

Rebecca has realised why her husband isn’t beside her. Angrily, she gets out of bed. Armed with a long, hard salami, she makes her way to Magda’s chamber.

Rebecca: The bastard has gone away
And I know where to! Watch out!

Rebecca: Such a horny whore-monger...
Chagal: Such a faultless maid...
Sarah: Such a nice young man...
Chagal: ...Unforgettable...
Rebecca: ...Horrible...
Sarah, Chagal and Rebecca: ...I have never seen before

Rebecca: The old sod cannot leave
To grab other women’s skirts
But every man who crawls into strange beds
Has the Devil in his pocket

Meanwhile, Professor Abronsius has climbed the stairs to the top floor. Rebecca is waiting there, and mistakes him for Chagal. She takes a swing with the salami and hits the Professor over the head. Crashing about loudly, Abronsius tumbles down the stairs. Rebecca realizes with consternation that she knocked down the wrong person.

Alfred and Sarah: Instead of sleeping
I ask myself, if you know
What I’m dreaming of
Since we met I feel...
Alfred: ...I feel...
Alfred and Sarah: ...only you

Chagal returns to his wife.

Alfred and Sarah are so absorbed in their dreams that they are not aware of all of this. In a moonlit trance, they stand on their beds.

Alfred and Sarah: When I fall in love, surely it will be...
Alfred: ...With a woman like you...
Sarah: ...With someone just like you...

Suddenly we hear out of nowhere...

Vampires’ voices: Be prepared!
Be prepared!

Alfred and Sarah: When I fall in love
Then surely I’ll love
Someone just like you
Or I will never again
Be at peace
Because there’s never been
Anyone like you
Just like you!

The scene changes to...

5. Outside Chagal’s inn

It’s snowing. Sarah and Alfred are standing behind the windows of their respective rooms. Each is holding a burning candle. An oversized shadow falls across the snow and over the inn. Count von Krolock’s silhouette appears on the proscenium.

Von Krolock: For years I’ve had
Only a suspicion of you
Now you are seeking
And longing for me
Now, be joyful-
We both are
Not so very different
When I call you
Don’t hold back any more
Driven by dreams
And hungry for happiness

Vampires: Be prepared!
Be prepared!
Be prepared!
Be prepared!

Von Krolock: God is dead
He will no be sought
We are cursed to live forever
Drawing us
Towards the sun
But we are fearing the light
We believe only lies
Condemn salvation
What we don’t hate
We don’t love

Vampires: Be prepared!

Von Krolock: What I save perishes
What I bless must be spoiled
Only my poison will make you healthy
To live, you must die
Float with me in the abyss of night
And lose yourself in me
We will
Go until the end of eternity
I’ll wrap you up in my shadow...

Sarah (very softly, as if in a trance): I hear a voice calling me...

Von Krolock: Now, be joyful-
We both are
Not so very different
When I call you
Don’t hold back any more
Driven by dreams
And hungry for happiness

Alfred and Sarah don’t feel any danger. They look up at the stars and then both extinguish their candles at the same time.

Vampires: God is dead
He will no be sought
We are cursed to live forever
Drawing us
Towards the sun
But we are fearing the light
We believe only lies
Condemn salvation
What we don’t hate
We don’t love

Black out. Scene change

6. In front of Chagal’s inn

A late winter’s morning. Gleaming light. The sun is so warm that Chagal, Rebecca and Magda have come outside to carry out their daily duties in the fresh air. Chagal is sawing wood, Rebecca is plucking a goose and Magda is chopping turnips.

Rebecca: Everything’s bright
When the snow sparkles in the sun
Magda: Time passes quickly
When one sits outside in the fresh air

Chagal: My saw slips
Gently through the cedar
Rebecca: While I’m plucking the goose
Fhe feathers fly

Magda, Chagal and Rebecca: Everything’s good
When the sun drives the frost away
And whatever else hurts you
Fresh air makes the work easy

Magda (looking at Chagal): What a delight
To brandish the knife
Magda, Chagal and Rebecca: Today, everything must succeed!

Koukol, Count von Krolock’s hunchbacked servant, appears. Chagal, Rebecca and Magda fall silent when they see him. The women leave everything where it is and flee into the house. Chagal bows obsequiously to Koukol. Background music plays during the following dialogue.

Koukol: [grunts]
Chagal: At your service, Mr Koukol
What can I do for you on this glorious morning?
Koukol: C...cand....dles...
Chagal: Candles?
That a tough request
We’re short of them ourselves
The long winter, you know...

Sarah looks out of her bedroom window. Chagal, who has his back to the house, doesn’t notice her.

Koukol (angrily): [grunts]
Chagal: That’s all very well, Koukol
Don’t get so worked up!
Did I say I didn’t have any candles?
There must be some to spare
Wait here!

Chagal goes into the house. Koukol tries to clearly gesticulate to Sarah that she should be ready for the coming night.

Koukol: To...night...you will come....t-tonight...

Chagal returns with a bundle of candles, which he hands to Koukol.

Chagal: Here you are, Koukol
Two dozen, not dripping
My greetings to His Excellency
By the way, remind him of the outstanding bill...
Koukol: [grunts]
Chagal: Yes, okay... Goodbye!

Koukol turns round angrily and limps quickly away. Chagal spits. At that moment, Alfred and Abronsius come out of the house door. Soon after, Rebecca and Magda also come back.

Abronsius: What a shame, that the man’s already gone
Who was that then?
Chagal: A cripple
Abronsius: But you’re afraid of him
I will solve the riddle

Logic, logic!
Only logic leads to the truth

Alfred notices Sarah standing at the upstairs window. He waves to her. Because of that, Chagal becomes very attentive. He makes an angry gesture to Sarah, telling her that she should go back inside. Sarah does this. Walking round in circles, Abronsius scrutinizes the suspicious Chagal, Rebecca and Magda, who have all taken up their work again. Alfred does everything he can to get another look at Sarah.

Abronsius: Why this fear of him?
Where did the man come from?
Why are you silent?

No answer. Professor Abronsius fixes his eyes on Rebecca, who carries on as if she hasn’t noticed.

Abronsius: And who among you
Was so mean
And hit me tonight
Over the head?

No answer. Rebecca, quite innocently, whistles the "morning song."

Abronsius: No one can confuse me
For I only count the facts
No one can mislead me
For I only trust precision
I seek the truth
And the truth will bring clarity

My mind is unerring
I study the positive
I am never superficial
I always look deeply
Because the truth
Will always bring clarity

My thirst for knowledge is never satisfied
As long as doubt still nibbles at me
I will allow no secrets
I’m not supposed to wonder:

How and what and who and where and when?
How and what and who and where and when?

Magda, Chagal and Rebecca: Everything is easy
When the day begins with music
Lots is achieved
When you can forget your worries

It must not be
Annoying and bothering today
It is a stupid question

Abronsius: When suspicion awakes in me
It hides something from me
I try with all my power
To find out the truth
I began in the cradle
To force open my toys
In an impetuous thirst for knowledge
I dismantled the cuckoo clock

Whether it was the Easter Bunny or Santa Claus
I didn’t let myself be deceived
At school I soon found out
That all teachers lie
No answer that they gave me
Could ever satisfy me
I dug into books
And I studied the riddles of nature

I believe in reason
That will eventually triumph
And the Professor’s Guild
Ignores my knowledge
But I hate emotion
No one can provoke me
Without ever looking after myself
I stay on track to find the truth

My mind is unerring
I study the positive
I am never superficial
I always look deeply
Because I collect evidence
And judge motives
Yes, I serve every wise man
For progress
And human culture

While the others repeat the Professor’s self-importance, he basks in their admiration

Magda, Chagal, Rebecca, Alfred: His mind is unerring
He studies the positive
He is never superficial
He always looks deeply
Because he collects evidence
And judges motives
Yes, he serves every wise man
For progress
And human culture

While Chagal and Rebecca sing the melody faster and faster, Professor Abronsius’ voice climbs into a sort of coloratura, like an opera singer.

Abronsius: I seek the truth!
I seek clarity!
For progress
And human culture!
I seek the truth!
I seek clarity!
For progress
And human culture!
I seek the truth!
I seek clarity!
For progress
And human culture!

Chagal, Alfred, Rebecca, Magda (simultaneously): For human culture!
For human culture!
For human culture!
For human culture!

Abronsius: When you pluck a goose
There’s soon to be a roast
Where there’s ice and snow
No tomatoes grow
Where are noises every night
You cannot sleep
And where there’s a hunchback
There is a Count!

to Alfred: I would bet the Nobel Prize
That this hunchback serves him
Why didn’t you follow him?
Even a child could see what will happen...

Logic, logic!
Who asks, I tell them logic:

How and what and who and where and when

My mind is unerring
I study the positive
I am never superficial
I always look deeply at nature
Then I collect evidence
And I serve every wise man
For progress and human culture

I seek the truth!
I seek clarity!
For progress
And human culture
I seek the truth!
I seek clarity!
For progress
And human culture

Chagal, Alfred, Rebecca, Magda (simultaneously): For human culture!
For human culture!
For human culture!
For human culture!

All: For culture!

The day is over, the sun sets. It slowly becomes dark. Scene change.

7. Top floor of Chagal’s inn

The evening of the same day. Dressed only in a shirt, Alfred stands in the bathroom and pours hot water into the tub. He hears Sarah singing.

Sarah: Ah-ah-ah... Ah-ah-ah...
Ah-ah-ah... Ah-ah-ah...

In the guestroom, Professor Abronsius is lying on the bed, dressed and asleep. Sarah walks along the corridor from her room to the bathroom door. Alfred has poured the last bucket into the bathtub. Looking up, he notices that Sarah has come into the bathroom.

Sarah: I’m sorry!
Alfred (embarrassed):
Oh, good evening
Sarah: You want to bathe. Am I interrupting?
Alfred: No. Not at all

Sarah: You are really very nice
So you will forgive me
Locked up in a room full of garlic
I am always alone

Alfred: You mean your father locks you up in your room?
Sarah: Certainly. Even though I’m almost eighteen

Alfred: You are really very nice

Sarah: Perhaps I will break free
Don’t ask how, I’ll come out
But I long to be free
At least once a day
Once a day

A sponge falls to the ground from Sarah’s housecoat. They both bend down to pick it up. Sarah gets there before Alfred. She picks the sponge up and holds it against his cheek.

Alfred: A sponge
Sarah: It’s so soft...I love it
Alfred: Yes. It’s a lovely sponge
Sarah (giving him the sponge): I’m giving it to you. I’ve got two
Alfred (taking it): Thank you. Thank you very much. Can I give you something as well?
Sarah: Can I ask for something?
Alfred: Yes. What?

Sarah: You’ve got what I’d like...
It’s healthy to do it
At least I like to do it
At least once a day
Once a day

So be a dear for me
Please let me have it!

Alfred (confused): You... you mean...??
Sarah: Quickly before we go to sleep
It’s so refreshingly relaxing!

Alfred: But your Daddy...
Sarah: ...doen’t need to know
Alfred: Now, then maybe...

Sarah: Good, oh good
Then I’ll get undressed
And fulfill my dream
Then I’ll groan with pleasure...

Sarah pushes the amazed Alfred out of the bathroom and closes the door.

Sarah: ...in the bath full of bubbles

Lighting change. Sarah takes her housecoat off and steps into the foam-filled bathtub. Alfred battles with the temptation to peek through the keyhole.

Sarah: Ah-ah-ah...

Alfred: She’s quite coquettish
But she is also lovely
I would like to stay with her
For at least a lifetime
A lifetime...

Sarah: Ah-ah-ah...

Suddenly, the music dramatically changes its character. Count von Krolock appears on the roof of the inn and looks down at Sarah through an open skylight. She is paralysed with fear.

Von Krolock: Good evening
Have no fear of me
I am the angel
Which you long for
The waiting
Is almost over
Because I invite you
To the ball of the year
Dancing through the night
Until your longing
Makes a woman out of you

Count von Krolock glides from the roof into the bathroom. Sarah is visibly fascinated. Alfred, who can no longer resist the temptation and is finally peering through the keyhole, doesn’t know what to think of what he’s seeing.

Von Krolock: Or would you rather
That everything stays as it is?
Do you believe that will be enough?
I know it will never be enough

Would you rather pray
Until you are grey and bitter?
Do you believe that will be enough?
I know it will never be enough

They’ll warn you for
Sin and danger
But you are already wonder
If your assurance
Was a big fraud
It was all a lie
What they promised you
Everyone has deceived you
As they corrupted you

But I’ll give you what is missing:

Count von Krolock climbs onto the edge of the bath and comes dangerously close to Sarah.

A journey on the wings of the night
In the true reality
In the intoxication of darkness
Make your heart ready!
I invite you to the midnight ball

I’ll give you what is missing:

A journey on the wings of the night
So you can escape mundanity
In the intoxication of fantasy
It will soon be ready
I invite you to the midnight ball!

Alfred understands at once what is happening.

Alfred (hysterically): Professor! Professor! He’s in there!
Abronsius: Who?

Professor Abronsius jumps to his feet and flings open the bathroom door. Count von Krolock has vanished without trace. The music stops. Sarah washes her arm innocently, as if nothing had happened.

Abronsius (to Alfred): What nonsense are you talking, boy?
Alfred: I swear I’ve seen him!

Professer Abronsius sees a snowflake float through the room and closes the open skylight. At that moment, brought by Alfred’s shout, Chagal and Rebecca rush into the bathroom one after the other. The immediately understand what has happened.

Chagal: What...?
Alfred: He was there. I swear
Abronsius: Are you fantasising or what?
Chagal: For Heaven’s sake! Sarah! Did he...?
Rebecca: Oh, oh!!
Chagal: Now we’re in a mess
Haven’t I told you a thousand times,
you should stay in your room?!
Sarah (defiantly): I wanted to have a bath

Chagal throws a hand towel at Sarah and carries her across the corridor to her room. Rebecca runs after them.

Meanwhile, Professor Abronsius, assisted by Alfred, inspects the bathroom.

Abronsius: Can you smell that? The smell of decay!
Didn’t I say? But he didn’t bite her.
Alfred: He hasn’t bitten her yet?
Abronsius: He wants to seduce her, the bastard!
Blood tastes better when it’s given freely

Meanwhile Chagal is with Sarah in her room. He closes the door from the inside. Rebecca stays in the corridor. Professor Abronsius continues his examination. Alfred looks into Sarah’s room through the keyhole in the bathroom door.

Chagal: Why can’t you do as you’re told?
Do you want to drive me crazy?
Sarah: No!
Chagal: Oh! I’ll teach you to obey me...

He lays Sarah over his knee and beats her.

Sarah: No! Ow! Ow!!
Rebecca (behind the door, in the corridor): What are you doing, Yoine?

Chagal stops hitting Sarah.

Chagal: Now will you be a good girl?
Sarah: Yes Daddy. Absolutely!
Daddy, I promise: I’ll never bathe again, never!

Chagal leaves the room and slams the door.

Black out, scene change. Snow falls on the lonely inn. Time passes...

8. In front of Chagal’s inn

The same night, several hours later. Koukol creeps towards the inn. Sarah comes to the window and sees him. Koukol gestures to her and points at a bundle he’s brought with him, which he hides in the snow before he leaves. Sarah disappears from the window. She leaves her room and comes out of the front door to see what Koukol has brought her.

Sarah has just picked up the bundle when Alfred comes out of the house. The music becomes romantic. Alfred is completely lost in his thoughts about Sarah. He looks longingly up at her window, without realising that she is standing behind him.

Alfred: Under this roof
Lives the loveliest person in the world
Can it be chance
That we met here?

Sarah, are you awake?
Please come to the window!
I’m standing here in the moonlight
And I wish I was with you

Sarah goes over to Alfred. Surprised, he turns around.

Sarah: Not so loud! Yes, I’m here
Don’t make a noise
Or my father will hear
Alfred: Can it really be?

Sarah: It’s quite late
Alfred: You and I alone!
Sarah: I can’t stand it any longer
Alfred: I’m glad
Sarah: No one must know!
Alfred: I wanted to see you!
Sarah: I feel suffocated in here

Sarah: Freedom is out there
There, where the horizon begins
There’s a land
Where all miracles are possible

Alfred: No wall can separate us
There’s no border we can’t cross
Come with me
Because with you
I can go to the stars

Freedom is out there
And hope which they don’t know here
Freedom is out there
Far away from anything that separates us
Sarah and Alfred: What they call life begins

Sarah: How romantic
To stand in the moonlight
Unfortunately I’ve already been invited
You can come a little way with me
But promise me
That you won’t tell anyone

Alfred: Where do you want to go?
Sarah: It’s a secret of mine
Alfred: Not through the forest!
Sarah: If you’re afraid, stay here
Alfred: It’s dark and cold
Sarah: That doesn’t matter to me
Alfred: You’ll get lost and freeze to death in the snow
Sarah: I know where I’m going
Alfred: The wolves come out at night
Sarah: I’m bored to death at home

Sarah and Alfred: Freedom is out there
There, where the horizon begins
There is a land
In which all miracles are possible

Alfred: No wall that can separate us
No borders that we can’t cross
Stay with me
Because with you...
Sarah and Alfred: ...I can go to the stars
See into the future

Freedom is out there
A happiness that knows no limits
Freedom is out there
Far away from anything that separates us
What they call life begins

Sarah: Oh, I’ve just thought — I’ve forgotten my sponge
Alfred: Your sponge?
Sarah: Be a darling, please go up and get it for me!
Alfred: You mean I should...
Sarah: My sponge. You’ll have to get it!
Alfred: Tell me where it is
Sarah: In the bath
Alfred: I’ll be back soon...

Alfred goes into the house. Sarah opens the bundle. It contains a pair of red boots. She holds them high admiringly.

Sarah: Red boots! Now I can go to the Count’s castle and dance...

She takes off her old slippers and slips her feet into the boots. The music takes on a waltz rhythm.

Sarah closes her eyes dreamily while she spins in a circle with her arms outstretched. At the same time her dream-vision appears on another part of the stage: Sarah’s image spins like she does. More Count von Krolocks surround her and dance alternately with her.

On the top floor of the inn a window is opened; Alfred appears at it a moment later.

Alfred (calling in a low voice): Sarah! Sarah! I can’t find it!

The dream vision disappears. Sarah is startled.

Sarah: It doesn’t matter!
Alfred: Sarah!

She hesitates for just a moment, then runs away. Alfred comes away from the window and out of the inn. He runs a short way in the direction in which Sarah went. When he can’t see her any more, he stands still.

Alfred (panicking): Sarah!!

Alarmed by Alfred’s cries, Chagal rushes out of the house, followed by Rebecca. Both are wearing nightshirts.

Chagal: What is it? Where is she?
Alfred: I...I don’t know

Chagal sees Sarah’s shoes, left behind in the snow. He lifts them up and shows them to Rebecca.

Chagal: Her shoes!
It’s happened -
He’s taken her
He’s abducted her from us

Rebecca is thunderstruck. Chagal hands her the shoes.

Rebecca: Oh! My poor child!
Chagal: I’ll get her back
Alfred: Where has she gone?
Chagal: He can’t steal my daughter!
Rebecca: You want to go to the castle?
That’s dangerous!
Chagal: I’ll bring her back!

Chagal runs away.

Rebecca: What are you going to do, Yoine?

Chagal turns around again, comes back and tears a bulb of the garlic necklace which hangs around Rebecca’s neck. He bites into it and finally sets off on his way.

Rebecca: Yoine, watch out! Be careful!

Black out. Scene change

9. The lounge of Chagal’s inn

The afternoon of the next day. The usual guests are sitting at the tables, depressed. Magda is sweeping the floor. A little later, Professor Abronsius and Alfred come down the stairs, armed for an excursion.

Guests: Garlic! Garlic!
Believe in its powers!
Without garlic
Everything would be bleak

All: Wuscha-Buscha...

Women: Miss Chagal is worried
Her husband is gone
And their daughter is a nuisance
Sad but true

Men: But one thing is clear:
We’re all hungry
We’re all hungry

Guests: Garlic! Garlic!
In soup and in cream cheese
Garlic! Garlic!
Goes from the stomach right to the bone marrow

The days are arduous
And the nights are dangerous
Garlic makes us strong
Garlic makes us brave
Garlic helps us
Garlic helps us
Garlic makes us brave


Rebecca blows her nose.

Abronsius: What is the matter with them?
Alfred: They are depressed
Abronsius: Nothing becomes of the troubled!
Holy Strawsack! Stop the moaning!

All: He?

Abronsius: You can only win with courage
Being afraid is stupid
You must defend yourself
Instead of just complain
Because nothing will be good
When you don’t do anything
Don’t let it be left alone
Take on what it attacks
Have courage!

All: What is he rambling about?
Does he know what’s wrong with us?

Suddenly the door opens. Lumberjacks carry Chagal’s stiff, frozen body into the inn.

The background music still plays.

Rebecca: Oh! Ohhhh! ...Yoine!
Alfred (to Magda): Hot water! Quickly!

The lifeless Chagal is placed on a table. Professor Abronsius bends over him and discovers small bite wounds on the throat and ankles.

Abronsius: Hot water won’t help now. He is dead
Rebecca: Ohhh! Ohhhhh!
Abronsius (to Alfred): There! Look! Bites!
Nice little holes
Well I never!
They sucked him dry very quickly

Four Lumberjacks: The wolves are dangerous
At least in winter
They leap, wild as anything
At people’s throats

Abronsius: That weren’t wolves
What it was is clear to see
If you carry on lying
You’ll deceive yourselves
And even worse will happen!
And even worse will happen!

Face the truth, you cowards!

No one can irritate me
Because I only trust precision
I seek truth
And truth will lead to clarity

The body appears exhausted
As I’ve described a long time ago
Then the victim is sucked empty
No drop is left! My theory fits the truth!

The guests leave the lounge. Alfred tries to keep them back.

Alfred: Just a moment! Stop! You’re going too soon!
You still have to tell us:
Where was he going? Who was he looking for?
Abronsius: Stay here! There are still questions!

Alfred and Abronsius: How and what and who and where and when?
How and what and who and where and when?

The last guest, the village idiot, leaves the lounge. Professor Abronsius turns back to Chagal.

Abronsius: We have to hurry!
If we lose him, he will become...

He stretches out Chagal’s frozen limbs.

...one of the living dead
Who hunger for pints of blood

He crosses Chagal’s arms across his chest.

So we’d want to
This deceased

The background music plays again.

Alfred and Rebecca stare at the stake in the Professor’s hand. Then Rebecca understands and begins to shriek.

Rebecca: Ohhh! Ohhhhh!
Abronsius (to Rebecca): Courage, Madam Chagal!
Your husband’s body is lost
But we can save his soul

Abronsius: According to van Hesling’s theory
And my own writings
There is no better treatment
To decontaminate the soul
Many neuroses are curable by — stabbing!

Rebecca: Stabbing?
What do you want to stab?
Abronsius (demonstrating what he wants to do): His heart. With a blow
Like this: Smack!

Rebecca (attacking Professor Abronsius): Drive this stick into his heart?
Are you insane, you old billy goat?

She snatches the stake out of Professor Abronsius’ hand and goes for him.

Rebecca (more shrieked than sung): Get out! Away! What’s wrong with you, you pig?
Shouts after Professor Abronsius
I’ll ram this stick into you!

Professor Abronsius and Alfred go upstairs and disappear.

Rebecca: Oh Yoine
No, nobody can impale your heart
Even when it broke hearts like you did
My poor thing, I have lost you
But now, finally, you can rest

She takes a cloth from the kitchen and covers the body with it.

Rebecca: Sleep, my old Yoine
Now I am alone...

Then she leaves, sighing.

Carrying a crucifix before her, Magda comes down from her chamber. She goes cautiously towards the table on which the corpse lies, pulls back the cloth and bends over Chagal.

Magda: Glassy eyes
Hands like ice
He is so cold now
But he used to be so warm
Death is such an odd thing
Yesterday so noisy
Today so still
Yesterday still splendid
Today already rubbish
Death is such an odd thing
Death is such an odd thing

Those pinches and his stare
When he lived made you sick
But as a corpse, he now seems
Quite well-behaved and sedate

When he came to me
He got me
Now I come to him
And he is defenceless
Death is such an odd thing
Death is such an odd thing

While the background music continues to play, Magda lights a candle. Chagal moves. Magda hears something. She looks around to make sure that there is nobody else in the room. Chagal remains quiet.

Magda: Death is such an odd thing
Death is such an odd thing

His chatter and his behaviour
When he lived, was shameful
But as a corpse he only smells
Otherwise he remains faultless

Chagal sits up. Because Magda is looking in another direction, she doesn’t notice anything at first.

Magda: He was troublesome
In my bed
Now I suddenly think
He was actually quite...

Magda has realized that Chagal is sitting up. Horrified, she seizes the crucifix and holds it in front of Chagal.

Chagal (giggling): What?!...That won’t work on me!...
I’m a Jewish vampire!

Chagal grabs hold of Magda, who is too frightened to move. He bites her throat. Afterwards, he utters a wolf-like howl and wipes the blood from his mouth with relish. Startled, he makes sure that Magda is dead. He hears footsteps. To hide his crime, he carries the body to the table which he himself had lain on. He covers Magda with the cloth. At that moment, Professor Abronsius and Alfred enter the lounge. Chagal hides under the table. Alfred nervously opens the bag they have brought with them and Abronsius takes out a hammer and a sharp wooden stake. Professor Abronsius hands Alfred the hammer.

Abronsius (to Alfred): So, when will you strike it?
Alfred: After three...
Abronsius: Good. And where is the heart?
Alfred: Between the sixth and seventh...
Abronsius: ...ribs...
Alfred: Ribs!
Abronsius: Right! Come on!

Professor Abronsius bends over the covered figure on the table and feels for the right place. To his astonishment, he feels a soft bosom. He looks at Alfred, surprised. Then he draws the cloth back from Magda’s face. With his first look, he sees the small holes on her neck from the vampire bite.

Abronsius: Bitten!
That was Chagal!
I was right, we should have driven the stake
through his heart right away

Seized by panic, Chagal leaves his hiding place and tries to flee. Alfred and Professor Abronsius chase him. Alfred trips Chagal up. Chagal falls to the floor. Professor Abronsius and Alfred bend over Chagal, who is lying on his back. Professor Abronsius holds the stake over Chagal’s chest.

Abronsius: One, two three

With a look, he asks Alfred to hit the stake with the hammer. But Alfred seems paralysed.

Abronsius: Three! Three!!!

Chagal uses the delay to beg for mercy.

Chagal: Please wait!
To split my heart
Would be barbaric
I promise
I’ll live as a vegetarian from now on!

Alfred: Professor...
Chagal: I’m just a victim!
Alfred: ...Maybe he can show us the way to her
Abronsius: Which way to who?
Alfred: To his daughter
Chagal (zealously taking up the suggestion): Good. I’ll go there. You can follow me

Alfred: You heard it — he’ll lead us there
How fortunate that we met him
Through him we can discover
This Count’s castle!
Chagal: Oh good!

Professor Abronsius lets the stake drop. Chagal shows his zeal.

Black out, scene change.

Chagal scurries through the snowy wilderness, followed at some distance by Professor Abronsius and Alfred. Suddenly Chagal disappears without trace. Professor Abronsius and Alfred look for him, but in vain. In the background we can see the silhouette of a fantastic castle. Professor Abronsius and Alfred disappear behind a hill. The castle, shrouded in mist and snowflakes, is suddenly very close (projection).

Lighting change.

Scene change.

10. In front of the castle gateway

The cloud cover has lifted. The moon lights up the enormous gateway and the façade of von Krolock’s castle. We hear voices from the balcony and pillars of the auditorium.

Vampires: Be prepared!
It seems to be that wait would be finally over
Be prepared!
Life in the house! Nothing for weeks and now two
Be prepared!
Finally a new pleasing, horrible pleasure
Be prepared!
It is time, it gives a bite for the Tooth of Time

Be prepared!
Finally a visitor with a lifestyle! Two men with class!
Be prepared!
Usually there are only farmers with filthy throats and thick as two short planks
Be prepared!
Finally a smart, charming, depressing perversion
Be prepared!
In a short time, there will be something for the teeth to bite...

Professor Abronsius and Alfred enter from the auditorium. Professor Abronsius looks at the façade. He tells Alfred to crawl through the gaps under the bars of the castle gate. Alfred is just about to do this when the bars go up. He shrinks back. Count von Krolock emerges from the castle courtyard.

Von Krolock: Blessed is the night
That gives me the pleasure
Of welcoming visitors
My Sirs
I like to see guests
You must not be shy...

Fear is my cloak
The night my hunting ground
I am Count von Krolock
This castle belongs to me

Blessed is the night
That protects us
From seeing the ugly
It stirs softly
In dark dreams
And lets the dead rise again

Follow me into my darkness and never leave!
Because he who freely joins me
Shall receive answers to questions which he asks
I’ll initiate you into the mysteries of my world

Tired of loneliness
I longed for your visit
The future is history
And the present is a curse

Endless is the sea of time
But you can only live on the shore
From the disease of sadness
There can be no escape

To avoid awaking the Count’s suspicions, Professor Abronsius pretends to be a harmless tourist who is interested in architecture. Background music plays during the following dialogue.

Abronsius: No offence, your Excellency
We came past here purely by chance
And just wanted to take a quick look
At your magnificent estate
Late 13th century, if I’m not mistaken?

Von Krolock: Ah, I see. A man of culture
With whom do I have the pleasure?

Professor Abronsius presents Count von Krolock with his calling card.

Abronsius: Professor Abronsius from Königsberg
Von Krolock: The Professor Abronsius?
Abronsius (flattered): You’ve heard of me?

Von Krolock: I’ve read your book "The Bat"
Brilliant! I was captivated!
Abronsius: I’m glad, because at home
My work is usually ignored

Logic, logic!
Who appreciates logic

Von Krolock: You’ll have to sign your book for me
And stay for a long, long time
Abronsius: Yes, of course! I can also study here
And make progress with my research

Von Krolock: Who is this young man?
Surely a student
Abronsius: Alfred. He assists me
Von Krolock: Good, Alfred. My compliments

Herbert enters.

Von Krolock: This is my son Herbert
No doubt he’s pleased
You’ll be friends soon

Herbert is obviously fascinated by Alfred.

Herbert: Finally someone
Who can take away the boredom for me

Herbert leads Alfred through the outer door to the courtyard. Professor Abronsius and Count von Krolock follow.

A portal leads from the courtyard into the castle. Koukol is waiting between the open double doors, holding a candlestick.

Von Krolock: Please, sirs! Come in
Make yourselves at home

Koukol comes running to Count von Krolock, crawling like a well-behaved dog.

Count von Krolock (to Professor Abronsius and Alfred once again): Koukol will show you to your room
Abronsius: Pardon me, Your Excellency
I’d forgotten how late it is
You must be tired
Von Krolock: I am a night bird
I don’t make much use of the day

With a farewell bow to Count von Krolock, Professor Abronsius disappears into the castle. Herbert is now nowhere to be seen. Alfred picks up the bag and goes towards the portal, to follow the Professor. At this moment he hears the Count call his name.

Von Krolock: Alfred! Aren’t you missing something?

Frightened, Alfred turns around. Count von Krolock stretches his hand out to show Alfred something.

Alfred: My sponge!

Alfred wants to take the sponge, but Count von Krolock draws his hand back.

Von Krolock: Blessed is the man
Who uses his youth and walks along new paths
Blessed is the man
Who follows his heart and doesn’t ask professors

Because only then
When you awake
Will none of your dreams be denied

Someone young
And interested like you
Doesn’t need any senile fool who gives him orders
And doesn’t understand
What fascinates you at all

I know what you feel and think
I can feel your longings
When you give me your trust
Then I will lead you

Count von Krolock gives Alfred the sponge.

Alfred: This sponge is worth a lot to me
Von Krolock: I understand
Alfred: I got it from...
Von Krolock: The object of your longing is nearer to you than ever
Alfred: Really?
Von Krolock: Trust me...

Von Krolock: In the dreamland of the night
I rule as a magician
Who’ll realise wonders

Sink with me in the sea of time
Learn from me what is called ’to live’
Feel the happiness, the sadness
Feel the longing to surrender yourself

Search with me for the black grail!
I’ll teach you what is called ’to love’
Break the chains of morality!
Follow your hidden urges!

Then you will love this life
Your love will be life
And set you free!

Alfred goes through the portal into the castle and disappears. Count von Krolock follows. As he closes the door behind him, he turns round once more. There is triumph in his face.

The door closes with a thud.

Blackout. Curtains close.

End of first act.

Second Act

1. Castle Hall

Later the same night. Sarah has left her room. She comes slowly down the stairs leading to the hall of Count von Krolock’s castle. On the walls hangs the Count’s ancestral portrait gallery. Sarah moves as if in a trance. Out of nowhere, we hear vampires singing.

Vampires’ Voices: Shining eyes
Shining hair
Sleepless from curiosity
And blind to the danger

Lips and cheeks
Skin soft as velvet
Young, beautiful and female
Pernicious and damned!

The ancestors in the pictures on the walls come to life. They sing in whispers...

Ancestors: Be prepared!
Sarah: Sometimes in the night
I feel lonely and sad
But I don’t know what’s wrong with me

On the other side of the hall, the dark figure of Count von Krolock appears on the upper steps of the spiral staircase. Sarah doesn’t see him.

Ancestors: Be prepared!
Sarah: Sometimes in the night
I have fantastic dreams
But when I wake up fear torments me

Ancestors: Be prepared!
Sarah: Sometimes in the night
I lie in the dark and wait
But what I’m waiting for isn’t clear to me

Ancestors: Be prepared!
Sarah: Sometimes in the night
I feel the irresistible temptation
Of a dark danger

Ancestors: Be prepared, Star Child...
Sarah: I hear a voice that is calling for me
Ancestors: Be prepared, Star Child...
Sarah: I can hear a voice

Ancestors: Be prepared!
Sarah: Sometimes in the night
I feel a magical power
That moves me invisiblely

Ancestors: Be prepared!
Sarah: Sometimes in the night
I am so helpless and I wish
One would come to lead and protect me

Ancestors: Be prepared!
Sarah: Sometimes in the night
I can’t wait any longer
I want to finally be a woman and free

Ancestors: Be prepared!
Sarah: Sometimes in the night
I want to experience the forbidden
And the consequences do not matter to me

Ancestors and Von Krolock: Be prepared, Star Child!
Sarah: I hear a voice that is calling for me
Ancestors and Von Krolock: Be prepared, Star Child...
Sarah: I feel a longing that is searching for me...

Von Krolock: To lose yourself sets you free
You will see yourself in me
What you’re dreaming will come true
Nothing and nobody can tear us apart
Dive with me in the darkness!
Between abyss and light
We’ll burn the doubts and forget the time
I’ll wrap you in my shadow
And carry you far
You’re the wonder
That’s becomming reality

Sarah: My heart is dynamite
And awaiting the spark

Von Krolock and Sarah: [I/you] have awoken to life!
Forever’s gonna start tonight
Forever’s gonna start tonight

Sarah: I’ve been longing
To lose my heart
Now I’m almost losing my mind
Total darkness
A sea of emotion and no land

Once, I believed
Love would break the spell
Now it’s shattering my world
Total darkness
I’m falling, and nothing can hold me

Ancestors and Von Krolock: Be prepared!
Sarah: Sometimes in the night
I think I should flee from you
While I still can

Ancestors and Von Krolock: Be prepared!
Sarah: But when you call me
I am ready to follow you blindly
Even to Hell I’d go with you

Ancestors and Von Krolock: Be prepared!
Sarah: Sometimes in the night
I would give my life
For a moment when I’m really yours

Ancestors and Von Krolock: Be prepared!
Sarah: Sometimes in the night
I want to be how you want me to be
Even if that would destroys myself

Ancestors and Von Krolock: Be prepared, Star Child...
Sarah: I hear a voice that is calling for me
Ancestors and Von Krolock: Be prepared, Star Child...
Sarah: I feel a longing that is searching for me

Von Krolock and Sarah: To lose yourself sets you free
[You/I] will see yourself in me
What [you’re/I’m] dreaming will come true
Nothing and nobody can tear us apart
Dive with me in the darkness!
Between abyss and light
We’ll burn the doubts and forget the time
[I’ll/You’ll] wrap you in [my/your] shadow
And carry [you/me] far

Von Krolock: You’re the wonder
That’s becomming reality

Sarah: My heart is dynamite
And it is awaiting the spark

Von Krolock and Sarah: [I/you] have awoken to life!
Forever’s gonna start tonight!
Forever’s gonna start tonight!

Sarah: I was longing to lose my heart
But now I’m almost losing my mind
Von Krolock and Sarah: Total darkness
A sea of emotion and no land

Sarah: Once, I believed
Love would break the spell
Von Krolock: Now it’s shattering your world
Von Krolock and Sarah: Total darkness
We’re falling and nothing can hold us

Von Krolock and Sarah:Total darkness
A sea of emotion and no land
Sarah: Total eclipse
I think I’m losing my mind...

For a moment, Count von Krolock is tempted to bite Sarah’s throat, but he has second thoughts and pushes her away gently.

Von Krolock: No! It would be wrong
To lose your head
We shouldn’t
Ruin the pleasure
Before the time is right
With every hour of waiting
The desire grows stronger
I will let you feel
What will make you immortal
When we dance
At the ball tomorrow night....

All the lights concentrate on Count von Krolock and Sarah, until he suddenly exits.

2. Bedroom in Von Krolock’s Castle

On the barely-lit stage stands an enormous four-poster bed. Professor Abronsius sleeps peacefully on one side of the bed, snoring. On the other side, Alfred tosses and turns restlessly. An unreal voice comes out of nowhere.

Vampire: Follow me, trust the night!
Only it can save your soul
Curse the day and its power
Free the longing of its chains

Follow me, come feel the night!
Reality is only what we believe in
Flee from all that is guarding you
Don’t let your dreams be stolen...

Alfred suffers a nightmare, which materialises for the audience to see: vampires come out from all over the room. They crawl over the roof of the bed, creep out of corners, glide from the ceiling.

Vampires: Over graves and ruins
Funeral bells will toll
And all the devils will arise
And all the angels will have to fall

We are hungry for crimes
We are longing for blood
We only live for our greed
And feed our brooding with poison

The world of daylight
Has never pleased anyone
So dive in the Sea of Nothing
Which is always dark and cold
And then when the darkness
Intoxicates you, then feel
Feel the night!
Feel the night!

Vampire Group 1: Dies irae Kyrie, Libera me Domine!
Dies irae Kyrie, Requiem da Domine!
Dies irae Kyrie, Libera me Domine!
Dies irae Kyrie, Requiem da Domine!
Dies irae Kyrie, Libera me Domine!
Dies irae Kyrie, Requiem da Domine!
Exultate Kyrie! Pie Agne Domine!
Dies irae Kyrie, Sanctus Sanctus exultate!
Dies irae Kyrie, Libera me Domine!
Dies irae Kyrie, Requiem da Domine!

Vampire Group 2 (simultaneously): Feel the night! And never let it pass
Feel the night! Close your eyes to see
Feel the night! Your destiny is sure to happen.
Feel the night! And never let it pass
Feel the night!
Feel the night!

Feel the night!
Be free!

The following dance sequence depicts the initiation of Sarah’s image. An impressively acted adjutant of the Count courts her and carries her off. Alfred is pulled into his nightmare. He wants to intervene, but he cannot reach "Sarah."

Vampires: From the graves and ruins
Dead bodies will rise again
And all fears will become true
And all hope will fade away

Our order is the chaos
To change means to destroy
We want to live for the greed
And belong to the beasts of prey

The world of daylight
Has never pleased anyone
So dive in the Sea of Nothing
Which is always dark and cold
And then when the darkness
Intoxicates you, then feel
Feel the night!
Feel the night!

Alfred reels back to bed and lies down again.

Vampire Group 1: Carpe noctem, lamia! Decet diem exsecrari
Sanguim suga, belua! Debet pravum exsequari
Inquiem perpetuum dona nobis, Satanas
Bestia diaboli, dona nobis damnationem
Carpe noctem, lamia! Decet diem exsecrari
Sanguim suga, belua! Debet pravum exsequari
Inquiem perpetuum dona nobis, Satanas
Bestia diaboli, dona nobis damnationem
Sanguim suga, belua! Debet pravum exsequari
Carpe noctem, lamia! Decet diem exsecrari

[Seize the night, vampire! It is right to curse the day
Suck blood, monster! Wickedness is destined to be punished
Give us eternal restlessness, Satan
Diabolical beasts, give us damnation
Seize the night, witch! It is right to curse the day
Suck blood, monster! Wickedness is destined to be punished
Give us eternal restlessness, Satan
Diabolical beasts, give us damnation
Suck blood, monster! Wickedness is destined to be punished
Seize the night, witch! It is right to curse the day]

Vampire Group 2 (simultaneously): Feel the night! And never let it pass
Feel the night! Close your eyes to see
Feel the night! Your destiny is sure to happen
Feel the night! And never let it pass
Feel the night!
Feel the night!

Vampire Group 3 (simultaneously): Carpe noctem! Carpe noctem!
Carpe noctem! Carpe noctem!
Carpe noctem! Carpe noctem!
Carpe noctem! Carpe noctem!

Vampire Group 2: Feel the night! And never let it pass
Feel the night! Close your eyes to see
Feel the night! Your destiny is sure to happen
Feel the night! Close your eyes to see

All Vampires: Follow me, trust the night!
Only it can save your soul
Curse the day and its power
Free the longing from all its chains

Follow me, come, feel the night!
Reality is only what we believe
Flee from all that is guarding you
Don’t let your dreams be stolen...

The vampires disappear. The music ends. A cock crows. The bedroom door opens. A clock strikes. The scene changes.

Koukol shuffles into the room pushing a breakfast cart. He opens the heavy curtains which cover the window. Light floods into the room. Alfred wakes up. Dazed from his nightmare, he sits up without noticing Koukol. Professor Abronsius is still asleep.

Alfred: A bad dream, an awful dream
Lucky that it’s not real
Good shall triumph! I don’t doubt it
Even if it’s not yet clear to me
How and what and who and where and when?
How and what and who and where and when?

He spoke of her, so she must be here
Today or never, I will find her

Everything will be alright, today is a perfect day
On which man can do, what only heroes may accomplish
On a day like today one would walk through fire
One would find gold and defeat monsters

Alfred closes his eyes again and thinks of Sarah.

Alfred: Today seems half as heavy
Than that what discouraged me yesterday
Because, since I woke
I feel her closeness more and more

Alfred looks at the breakfast tray. He imagines that Sarah is in the room.

Alfred: How did this breakfast get here?
Can it be, that Sarah brought it?
Someone came. Oh yes, I can hear...

When Alfred turns around and opens his eyes, Koukol is standing directly in front of him.

Koukol: Urggh.
Alfred (horrified): Aah!

Koukol throws a scornful look at Alfred, spits and disappears.

Professor Abronsius has woken up. In a nightshirt, his tangled hair beneath a nightcap, he sits up, stretches and scratches himself. He has obviously slept very well. He gestures to Alfred to serve him breakfast.

Abronsius: A soft bed, a quiet hostel
Refreshes the mind and limbs
A small cup of tea, a quick nap
And once again I am filled with

Logic, logic
And thirst for education

Professor Abronsius slurps his tea. Alfred stands beside the bed and spoons up his porridge, still standing.

Alfred: Sir Professor, he said: "The object of your longing is nearer to you than ever"
Sarah must be here in the castle!
Abronsius: Quite a cool fellow
Alfred: Who?
Abronsius: The Count. He almost pulled our legs
Alfred: The Count?
Abronsius: He almost gave himself away...

Abronsius: He called himself a night bird
Useless during the day
But the question still remains:
Where is his sarcophagus?

Alfred (spluttering with fear): His sarcophagus?
Abronsius: The coffin that he lies in during the day
Alfred: You mean...in a grave?
Abronsius: Not in a grave, boy
A Count rests in a crypt
Every castle has one
We’ll have to search for it immediately
Alfred: Immediately?
Abronsius: Of course immediately
The day is made for a search
For a crypt

Abronsius jumps up and leads Alfred in preparing for the trip.

Abronsius: Everything will be alright
Today is a perfect day...
Alfred: On which man can do
What only heroes may accomplish
Abronsius and Alfred: On a day like today man would walk through fire
One would find gold and defeat monsters

Blackout. Background music continues to play during the scene change. The cheerful sound of the melody becomes increasingly eerie as it mingles with a dull echo in the castle vaults.

3. The Crypt

Koukol pushes a pine coffin into the crypt before Professor Abronsius and Alfred enter on the footbridge above.

Abronsius: On a day like this...
Alfred: On a day like this...
Abronsius: ...Newton explained physics.

On a day like this...
Alfred: On a day like this...
Abronsius: Mozart wrote his Night Music.

Alfred: On a day like this...
Abronsius: ...Columbus suddenly made a discovery.

Alfred: And Icarus thought he could fly.
Abronsius: And Daniel was in the pit!

Alfred: If it was just a little lighter
In this cellar,
I would follow my duty,
Full of confidence.
If the crypt wasn’t so repulsive,
And the smell not so hideous,
I would be unshakeable.
But as it is,
I give in: I’m afraid.

Abronsius: Down there, waiting there,
Not to be overlooked,
Is the goal of our mission.
How I long
To go down there
With the aim of making an inspection.

Alfred: What has to happen now?
Abronsius: What has to happen now?

Abronsius and Alfred: Action in accordance with instructions.
Alfred: We should practice first and put it off!
Abronsius: This is the hour.
Now or never!

They have reached the crypt. They look down from a balustrade. Two magnificent coffins stand on pedestals. On the floor beside them is a rough pine coffin.

Alfred: Pssst!
Abronsius: Wonderful. We’ll climb down there now.
Alfred: Down there?
Abronsius: Of course. Right away.
You first.
Alfred: Me?
Abronsius: Yes. Bag!
Alfred: Bag.
Abronsius: Down!
Alfred: Down?
Abronsius: Down!

Alfred climbs into the crypt. Professor Abronsius throws down the bag. It lands on the stone floor with a thud.

Abronsius: Pst! Do you want the hunchback to hear us?!
Be quiet down there!
Watch out, I’m coming now!

Professor Abronsius prepares to jump down. Alfred gets ready to catch him.

Abronsius: What? No! No!!

In the attempt to jump, Professor Abronsius has become caught on the railings.

Abronsius: Ah! I’m stuck! Mm...aah. Help me, boy!

Alfred takes hold of Professor Abronsius’ foot. He tries to pull the Professor free. He only succeeds in pulling his shoe off. The background music plays and illustrates the panting and groaning of the two of them. Eventually, Alfred give up. The background music still plays.

Abronsius: Oh no! This just won’t do! You’ll have to do it alone.
Alfred (panicking): Alone?
Abronsius: Yes. Don’t make such a fuss! You have to drive the stake through his heart.
Alfred: Through his heart? No, Professor! Please....anything, but not that!
Abronsius: Don’t be a sissy! Open the coffin!
Alfred: The coffin?!
Abronsius: Think of Chagal’s daughter! Take off the lid!

Alfred opens the first of the coffins, but with his eyes averted.

Abronsius: Who’s lying inside?

Alfred dares to look into the coffin.

Alfred: His Excellency.
Abronsius: Good. Now the other one.

Alfred lifts up the second coffin lid. He looks inside.

Abronsius: Who is it?
Alfred: The son.
Abronsius: Go to the bag! Take out the hammer and a stake. Good! Go to the Count first! Now put the stake in place...
Alfred (mechanically): Between the sixth and seventh...
Abronsius: Ribs. Right. Hurry up!

With closed eyes, Alfred holds the stake over the open coffin — but with the point upwards.

Abronsius: Not like that! Pay attention, you idiot! The other way round! Come on now. One...two...three.

Alfred turns the stake around, lowers it and raises the hammer. But he can’t bring himself to hit it.

Abronsius: Damn it! Three! Three!!!

Professor Abronsius gets worked up to no avail. Alfred lets the hammer fall to the floor.

Alfred: I … can’t.
Abronsius: Mutiny! Aren’t you ashamed?
Alfred: Yes, of course. But nevertheless, I can’t do it!
Abronsius: Being merciful! There’s no sense in you. Come back up. I have to do everything myself.

Relieved, Alfred throws the stake and hammer into the bag and climbs nimbly up the wall, while the Professor mutters to himself.

Abronsius: The young of today are wretched
No strength in their bones
Feeble and soft
No longer able to get a grip on themselves
When everything’s at stake
Come up and pull me back up.
Don’t dawdle!
Are you dreaming again or what?
Do you think it’s fun, hanging here?
At least help me up, you oaf.

In no time, Alfred has freed the Professor.

Abronsius: About turn! March, march!
You still have a lot to learn
Before you can walk in my footsteps
That was a disgrace

They both exit.

For a moment, it is quiet. Then we hear a noise from inside the pine coffin. The lid moves and is pushed off from the inside. Chagal crawls out of the coffin. He stretches. Then he knocks on the wood with his flat hand.

Chagal: That’s enough slumber!

As he hits the wood for a second time, this time with the boots, Magda arises from the coffin, with tousled hair and looking sleepy.

Magda: What is that thudding?
Chagal: Have you forgotten about the ball? Time to get up.
Magda: You’re talking rubbish. It’s only just midday. Look there! The sun!
Chagal: What a shame! Then we will can have another kip together.

Giggling lasciviously, Chagal lips his lips.

Magda: You should be ashamed of yourself, Chagal.
Chagal: Me? Why?
Magda: Biting my throat. Sucking my blood.
Chagal: Goodness me!
Why shouldn’t I suck your blood?
Others suck on me, after all.
Whether with teeth or "angel sucking":
Everybody is just a mammal.

What almost everyone does is vice.
He who has licked up blood wants more.
More pleasure, more success, more loot.
There is always somebody behind you.
He who doesn’t want to become worn out,
Learns to win through.
He who doesn’t want to become awful
Must cheat others.
That’s why you suck in courage.
Some fresh blood cannot hurt you,
Cannot hurt me.
Suck until you’re full instead of complaining!

Magda falls out of the coffin. Alarmed by the noise, Koukol appears in the crypt.

Magda: When I was still alive
I found you horrible
Since you sucked on me
I find you almost sweet
To be horny is funny
To be horny is funny

Your tugging at my bodice And your lust,
Were unpleasant for me.
Now I long for your kiss.
Three times a day is a must!

Koukol has closed the magnificent coffin beside them. Now he turns to Chagal and Magda.

Chagal: So what?
Everyone sucks on someone,
That is the way of the world.
Everyone takes what he needs and wants from someone.
If it’s not blood, it’s love or money.

Koukol has chased Magda and Chagal back into their coffin. We hear them continue to sing inside the coffin...

Magda and Chagal (muffled): So what?
Everyone sucks on someone,
That is the way of the world
Everyone takes what he needs and wants from someone.
If it’s not blood, it’s love or money.

Koukol pushes the coffin away. To stop the noise, he bangs on the lid, but Magda and Chagal carry on singing.

Magda and Chagal (muffled): One could be good,
However, the inner swine is much too strong.
One could be dignified,
At least in a coffin.
But the randiness wins.
Because, after all,
The human being is a mammal!

Koukol loses his temper. A kick on the wood finally silences the singing. Muttering, he pushes the coffin out of the crypt.

Darkness falls. Scene change.

4. Library

Later the same day. Professor Abronsius and Alfred have discovered the castle library. Professor Abronsius is euphoric because of all the valuable books, which he inspects with an expert’s eye.

Abronsius: Books, books!
A hundred thousand books!

Alfred: Professor! We still have to find Sarah.

Abronsius: Aristotle, Empedocles,
Aeneas, Parmenides.
And Nichomachos, Diogenes,
Antiochus, Maimonides!
Just by the smell,
We can feel the wisdom of the Greeks.

Alfred: She’s waiting here somewhere...

Abronsius: Marcus Aurelius and Augustus,
Tacitus, Tibull and Plato.
Peregrinus and Aquinus.
Caesar, Cicero and Cato.
By feeling one’s way,
One will become enthusiastic!

Alfred: He’s holding her captive...

Abronsius: In Kant you can refresh your tired mind with clear thoughts.
But when the author is Hegel
You hear the world spirit trotting
German profundity put down on paper
And all first editions!
So uplifting, wherever you look.
A life without books would be torture!

Alfred: We don’t have much time...

Abronsius: Spinoza and Copernicus
And all humanists.
Paracelsus, Leibniz, Crusius.
The early occultists.
Hume and Locke and Hobbes and Mendelssohn.
Moralists and exponents of causality.
And Descartes, Montaigne and Hamilton
And other explorers of nature.

Alfred: It will get dark soon...

Abronsius (disappearing into the library): William Shakespeare, Humboldt, Eckehart,
Moliere and Machiavelli.
And Erasmus, Schelling, Kierkegard,
Hans Sachs and Mary Shelley.

La Fontaine, Tagore, Pliny,
Da Gama, Bottecelli.
Herder, Marlow, Poe and Livius.
In leather, canvas, cardboard and paperback.

Somewhere in the castle, Sarah is singing. But Professor Abronsius has disappeared inside the library.

Sarah’s voice: Ah-ah-ah...

Alfred listens. Then he hurries away. The music continues to play.

Scene change.

5. Bathroom

Alfred follows the voice to a magnificent bathroom. A curtain hides the bathtub from view. A glittering ballgown is hanging over a chair.

Sarah’s voice: Ah-ah-ah...

Alfred looks around. Sarah stops singing.

Alfred: Sarah?

We hear water splashing behind the curtain. And then again:

Sarah’s voice: Ah-ah-ah...

Alfred opens the curtain. Behind it, Sarah is sitting in an elaborately decorated bathtub. The situation resembles that of Alfred and Sarah’s first meeting.

Alfred: Sarah!

Sarah (almost disappointed): Oh...it’s you.

Alfred: Thank God, you’re alive!
Don’t worry, I’m here now.
Nothing will happen to you.
I will free you.

Sarah: That’s not polite.
After all, I am a lady.
It’s not refined to surprise me when I’m bathing.

Alfred: Sarah, tell me, how are you?
Has he hurt you?
Am I already too late?
Sarah: Tonight is the dance.
Alfred: You must flee with me.
Sarah: Guess with whom I’ll dance!
Alfred: Don’t stay here.
Sarah: I’ll tell you
Alfred: It will get dark soon.
Sarah: With the Count!
Alfred: He is sly.

Sarah: How do you like my dress for the ball?
The Count gave me the magnificent garment.
He spoils me, because he likes me.
When Papa comes, he will be wide-eyed.

Alfred: We have to go!
Sarah: Wouldn’t you like to be there?
Alfred: Time is running out!
Sarah: I have a dance free.
Alfred: I implore you: come with me!
Sarah: Ask me again in the morning.
Alfred: I understand, but I mean well for you.
Sarah: Tonight, the Count will dance only with me.
Alfred: Don’t you want to go home?
Sarah: Turn round, I’m getting out.

Alfred turns around and slowly comes to the front. The curtain closes. Lighting change.

Alfred: In the silence of night
Dark visions rise
But I’ll stay — with Sarah

Every nightmare awakes
Shadows become demons
Everywhere threatens danger

I’ll persevere, I’ll hold out
And whatever I have to do
I want to do it — for Sarah.

Unflustered, straight ahead
I’ll stay here
Because I love you

So much longing in me!
I want to return home
But I belong — to Sarah

And when I am beside her
The fears are illusions
Only emotions are real

I am strong, I am tough
And whatever I have to be
I want to be it — for Sarah.

And however long I wait
Whenever and wherever
We are hidden

I am calm, I am cool
I’ll overcome my fears
For your sake — Sarah

I’ll retreat from no violence
Trust in me, Sarah
I’ll stay with you!

I have strength, I have courage
And whatever I have
I have only — for Sarah

I’d give my blood for you
Everything, I’ll do everything
Because I love you — Sarah...

The music stops. Scene change.

6. “Mirror Library”

During Alfred’s song, the scene has changed back to the library, except everything is arranged in a mirror image of the previous set.

Alfred (like the beginning): I have strength, I have courage.
And whatever I have
I have only for Sarah.
For you I’d give...

The song blends with Professor Abronsius’ litany — he has come out of the library. He hasn’t noticed Alfred’s absence.

Abronsius (partly at the same time): Plagiarism, surrogates,
Fables, encyclopaedias,
Catechism, seminar papers,
Legends, genealogies,
And annals, dates, chronicles,
Eulogies, elegies
And pamphlets, epics, critiques,
In folios, in quartos and Gothic print.

Alfred: Professor, I’ve found her!

Abronsius: Robespierre, Homer and Seneca,
Da Vinci and Cervantes
And the wonderful opuses
Of Bocaccio and Dante.
And the Marquis de Sade and Don Juan.
Frivoles and Galantes.
And Lord Byron, Goethe, Eckermann,
Giordano Bruno, Lessing, Thomas Moore.

Alfred: But she doesn’t want to be rescued.

Abronsius: Millions of books remain, written by people in earlier times,
Had they not written themv,
We would not have their knowledge.
And we would have to march through life
Damned to ignorance.
All books are guarantors
For progress and human culture.
Have you taken that to heart, my boy?

Alfred: Yes, but what should we do now?

Abronsius: The answer to every question in the world can be found in a book.

Alfred: In a book? In which one?

Abronsius (as he exits): One begins with...
Aristotle, Empedocles,
Aeneas, Parmenides.
And Nichomachos, Diogenes,
Antiochus, Maimonides.
Marcus Aurelius and Augustus,
Tacitus, Tibull and Plato.
Peregrinus and Aquinus.
Caesar, Cicero and Cato...

Professor Abronsius has gone back inside the library. Alfred takes a book at random from the shelf.

Alfred (reading the title): Advice for lovers. How to win a heart.

On the off-chance, he opens the book, and reads with mounting interest.

Alfred: “When love is in you,
Then the music sounds out.
When your moment is here
Your eyes speak for you.
And the person you like
Understands what you say and looks after you.
Your heart reveals
That love is in you,
It no longer wants to be silent.
Shoe honestly what is concealed within you,
No wish is dangerous
When love awakes.
And the person you love
Will sense what you give
And the hope of happiness
Unites you.
When love is in you,
Then don’t hold back.”

(Spoken): “Sometimes a kiss says more than a thousand words...”

Alfred hears a voice which sounds like Sarah’s. He lets the book drop and listens.

Herbert’s voice: Ah-ah-ah...

Alfred exits with the book in his hand. The background music continues to play.

Alfred: Sarah?!

Transition to...

7. “Mirror-Bathroom”

Alfred follows the voice to a bathroom which is a mirror image of the first bathroom. He is slightly confused at how the room has changed. But then he hears, as on his first visit, the splashing of water behind the curtain and once again...

Herbert’s voice: Ah-ah-ah...

Alfred draws the curtain to one side. The bathtub is empty. Herbert sits on the edge, playfully letting the water run through his hand.

Alfred: Oh...excuse me...

He wants to leave the bathroom quickly.

Herbert: Stay! I want to...read...with you. Father is quite enthusiastic about you. I think we should be friends...

Alfred: But...I have to...

Herbert begins to sing softly and gently.

Herbert: You must be nice to me.
I want to understand you.
Why are you so pale? Are you ill?

Alfred: I’m fine, thank you very much!
Herbert: But no, you have a fever, my friend!

You should be in bed.
No, what do I see?
You’re shaking with fear, mon Chéri.
Alfred: No, I never shake!
Herbert: But yes, you are fearful, my friend!

Alfred (trying to change the subject): I’ve heard there is a ball somewhere?
Herbert: You’ve got a nice bum!
Alfred: A ball!
Herbert: And your eyes!
Alfred: My eyes?
Herbert: Your eyelashes are so soft,
Like threads of pure gold.

Alfred is still holding the book in his hand.

Herbert: Yes, tonight there’s a ball.
I invite you.
Wine and music and candlelight!
It will be gigantic, romantic!
With you in my arms,
I’ll be in seventh heaven!

Herbert draws Alfred close to him and dances a waltz with him. Now Herbert sings the main melody.

Herbert (still dancing): Oh, show me, what are you reading?

Alfred: A book -

Herbert: Stories, so!
I know, it shows,
You’re in love, my friend!

The tender melody suddenly takes on a more aggressive and threatening character. The tempo increases. Alfred realises what the audience has seen for a long time — that Herbert can’t be seen in the mirror. Alfred panics.

Herbert: So, it’s true!
I am also in love.
Guess who with!
Yes, I love you...
When love is in me,
I cannot resist.

Herbert finally grabs Alfred by the shoulder. He opens his vampire teeth, ready to bite Alfred in the throat. At the last moment, Alfred saves himself by pushing the book between Herbert’s teeth.

Chase music. Alfred flees into the auditorium while Herbert tries to remove the book from his teeth. Fearfully looking around for his pursuer, Alfred returns to the stage, where Herbert is waiting for him. Herbert flings himself at Alfred.

Alfred: No! Professor! Professor!!

At the last moment, Professor Abronsius comes back. He hits Herbert with his umbrella.

Abronsius: Ha, what do I see? Aren’t you ashamed of yourselves — both of you?! Heaven-crucifix-damn once again!

Herbert flees. Alfred gets up off the floor.

Abronsius: Tut tut! And you, really. A budding scientist! I’m surprised at you. Did you provoke him or what?

Alfred: Provoke him? Not at all. It was all him.

Abronsius: Yes, yes!

Alfred: If you hadn’t been here...

Abronsius: Come on!

Alfred: To where?

Abronsius: Up to the battlements!

Both exit. Scene change.

8. Tower and cemetery

Alfred and Abronsius go up more bridges to the castle’s tower. Below, in the castle courtyard, is a cemetery with snow-dusted gravestones and memorial slabs.

Alfred: Professor! Professor! Alibori’s theory is correct. The one about the reflection in the mirror.

Abronsius: That’s not Alibori’s theory. I developed the reflection theory. Alibori stole it.

Alfred: We were both in front of the mirror. But I only saw myself. Of him...nothing.

Abronsius: I wish I had been there.

Alfred: I’m tired and cold and we have to look for Sarah.

Abronsius: There is Orion...The only thing as magnificent as the starry sky above us is the universe of logic inside us.

Alfred: Are we safe here?

Abronsius: Dead safe.

Suddenly Count von Krolock appears behind Professor Abronsius and Alfred.

Count von Krolock (to Abronsius): Hey, ho, hey! Very apt, Professor!
Just one bite and it’s over.
Too much curiosity is deadly, Professor.
You must become what you study!

Abronsius: You underestimate science, von Krolock.
I will pickle you in alcohol and add you to my collection of exhibits.

Von Krolock: Ha ha ha!

Abronsius: Soon you’ll be banished to horror novels!

Count von Krolock can no longer be seen. His voice comes from various directions.

Count von Krolock’s voice: Where are you fleeing to?
What are you afraid of, Alfred?
What you seek can only be found here.

Abronsius: He’ll fight you!

Von Krolock: You’re wrong, Professor!
Alfred’s soul has belonged to me for a long time.

The bridge on which Alfred and Professor Abronsius are standing moves upwards.

Alfred: Good lord!

Abronsius: Interesting...

Alfred and Professor Abronsius can no longer be seen. The background music turns into the introduction to a resurrection dance.

The courtyard, bathed in ghostly light, looks sinister. Some memorial stones begin to move. The vampires crawl out of the graves and shake life into their dead limbs.

Vampires: Eternity is
Permanent boredom.
A miserable cycle,
No beginning, no end.
Because it always repeats itself,
The same as before.
No jubilation, no horror,
Only the empty, stupid eternity.
No trace of torture,
Always just this bloody eternity.
The stone fort
On the abyss of terror!
Get out of the horror
Into the glitter of the world!
Soon our poison will paralyze
The brains of the people.
Soon we will be the masters of the Earth.
It’s getting dark!
The stone path
Leads to the cave of shadows!
Get out of the graves
Into the life of the town!
In goes the fear,
Into the souls of the people!
Soon, at the end, they’ll have only doubts.
We’ll make them fall down.

The dance ends. The vampires disappear through the auditorium.

Count von Krolock appears in the cemetery. He wanders through the rows of graves.

Von Krolock: Finally night! No stars to see.
The moon is hiding
Because it is terrified of me.
No light in the ocean,
No false ray of hope.
Only the silence, and in me,
The silhouette of my pain.

The corn was golden and the sky was clear
In sixteenseventeen
During the summer.
We lay in the whispering grass.
The hand on my skin
Was tender and warm.

She didn’t know that I was lost.
I still believed in myself,
Believed that I was winning.
But on that day it happened for the first time,
She died in my arms.

As always, when I reached out for life,
I couldn’t keep hold of anything.
I want to be a flame
And become ashes,
And haven’t yet burned.

I want to be high and climb higher
And sink deeper into nothingness.
I want to be an angel
Or a devil
And am just
A creature
That always wants
What it can’t have.

If there could be just one moment
Of happiness for me
I would accept all the grief.
But all hope is in vain
Because the hunger never stops.

One day, when the Earth dies
And the last person with it,
Then nothing will remain
Except a barren desert,
Of an insatiable greed.
The only thing to stay behind is
The big emptiness.
An insatiable greed.

The priest’s daughter let me in at night
In seventeenthirty
After the prayers.
I wrote a poem with her heart-blood
On her white skin.

And the emperor’s page on Napoleon’s baggage train...
In eighteenthirteen
He stood in front of the castle.
That his grief
Did not break my heart
I cannot excuse.

Reach out for life
I feel like it shatters.
I want to understand the world
And know everything
But not know myself.

I want to become free and freer
And get rid of my chains.
I want to be a saint
Or a sinner
And yet am just
A creature
Which creeps and lies
And must always tear apart
What it loves.

We all believe that everything becomes better
So we accept the grief.
I want to eventually be satisfied
But the hunger never stops.

Many believe in humanity
And many in money and glory
Many believe in art and science
In love and in heroism.

Many believe in gods
Of many different kinds,
In miracles and in signs,
In Heaven and Hell,
In sin and virtue,
And in the Bible and breviary.

But the true power
That rules over us
Is the disgraceful,
And eternal, insatiable greed.

To the audience:

You mortals of tomorrow,
I prophesise
Here and now:
Before the next millennium begins
The only God, whom everyone serves
Is the insatiable greed.

Alfred and Professor Abronsius can be seen again. They were witnesses to the Count’s emotional outburst. Count von Krolock exits quickly.

Alfred: They have feelings! Like us.

Abronsius: Feelings? Nonsense. Duty calls!

Both exit. Scene change.

9. Ballroom

The empty castle ballroom is illuminated by the gleaming light from many candelabras. Professor Abronsius and Alfred have sneaked in. They hear Koukol coming and hide behind a curtain. The vampires march in, in a sort of procession.

Professor Abronsius and Alfred knock unconscious two vampires who are going past the curtain, and pull them into their hiding place. Eventually all the vampires are gathered together. The music rises. Count von Krolock enters. He comes down the spiral staircase and greets his guests.

Von Krolock: Welcome brothers
To this room.
Last time
We met here,
Our meal was a farmer,
Emaciated and pale.
You were sorrowful
But I said to you,
“When one year is meagre,
The next year will be rich.”

Professor Abronsius and Alfred come out from behind the curtain. They have put on the clothes and wigs of the vampires they overpowered, and mingle, unrecognised, with the other vampires.

Von Krolock: We, who live eternally,
Are consumed by an addiction to fresh blood.
Von Krolock and Herbert: Do we ever have enough?
Vampires: We never have enough!

Von Krolock: Every victim that we feed on
Increases our number
Von Krolock and Herbert: Do we ever have enough?
Vampires: We never have enough!

Nothing fills us up
The craving is never quiet.
The emptiness in us
Grows every day.
The fear of emptiness
Follows us all the time.

Von Krolock: But I am your hope!
As I predicted,
A guest has arrived
Adorned and ready
To devote herself to the darkness.
A beauty with eyes of the night
An enchanted star child,
Tender like the wind
And ready for me,
Casts a spell over our midnight ball!

But she belongs only to me!
Don’t worry! I thought of you as well.
Since last night
Here in my labyrinth,
And designated for you,
Two mortals have been damned to stay!

Count von Krolock presents Sarah in her new ballgown and the red boots.

Professor Abronsius has to hold Alfred back. The vampires also go towards Sarah, but Count von Krolock stops them with an imperious gesture.

Alfred looks fearfully at Professor Abronsius. The professor is unimpressed.

Vampires: God is dead
He will no longer be sought
We are cursed to live eternally
It draws us nearer to the sun
But we fear the light.
We believe only lies
Despise sacrifice.
What we don’t hate,
We don’t love.

The vampires watch, drooling with lust, as Count von Krolock draws nearer to Sarah.

Then the moment is here. Count von Krolock opens his mouth, while Sarah leans far back. He bites her throat. Professor Abronsius has to stand by the horrified Alfred.

Vampries: She has awoken to life!
Forever’s gonna start tonight!
Forever’s gonna start tonight!

Von Krolock: You were longing to lose your heart,
Now you’re losing your mind
Sarah and Von Krolock: Total eclipse.
A sea of emotion and no land.

Sarah: Once I believed
Love would break the spell
Von Krolock: Now it’s shattering your world.
Sarah and Von Krolock: Total eclipse,
We’re falling and nothing can hold us.

Led by Count von Krolock and Sarah, the vampires begin to dance a minuet. Alfred and Abronsius also take part. The turns and partner changes in the dance bring Alfred and Abronsius together with one another and with Sarah. At these moments, they communicate with each other.

Alfred (to Sarah): Sarah! It’s me! I’ll save you!
Abronsius (to Alfred): Pst! He did bite her, but she’s still alive.

Abronsius (to Sarah): A good blood transfusion, my child, and two or three days’ rest, and you’ll be as fresh as a daisy again!

Alfred (to Sarah): Sarah! Venice...the gondolas, the palaces, the sea...

Abronsius (to Alfred): We’ll take her in the middle, I’ll count to three and then we’ll run to the door.

The vampires dance in front of the mirror. When they realise that only Alfred, Abronsius and Sarah are reflected in the mirror, they stand still. The music breaks off in the middle of a bar.

Von Krolock: Are you ready?

Abronsius: One, two, three! Three! Three!!

As discreetly as possible, Alfred and Abronsius lead Sarah to the door. The vampires have recovered from the surprise. Count von Krolock calls...

Von Krolock: Suck them dry!

Chase music. Alfred seizes a candelabra in order to defend Sarah. Professor Abronsius holds up the other candelabra at right angles to the first, forming a cross. With howls of fury, the vampires retreat.

Von Krolock: Boo!

The vampires tear their ball clothes to pieces. Alfred and Professor Abronsius use the confusion to flee from the room with Sarah.

Professor Abronsius, Alfred and Sarah run through the auditorium and exit.

Von Krolock: Koukol! Get rid of that thing! Put it away!

Koukol dismantles the candelabra cross.

Von Krolock: In the name of Hell, of the fires and of blood, get her back!

Koukol takes up the chase.

Scene change.

10. Somewhere in the Transylvanian Wilderness.

On the way from the auditorium back to the stage, Alfred, Sarah and Abronsius have gained a lead on their pursuer, Koukol. We see them twice as they hurry across the stage. The third time, Professor Abronsius, Alfred and Sarah are alone on the stage. Professor Abronsius sees the glowing eyes of a wolf behind a mound and instructs Alfred and Sarah to come with him in another direction. As soon as they have disappeared, Koukol appears. While he looks around, the wolves come towards him from all directions.

A bloodcurdling cry ends the chase music. Koukol has been torn to pieces by the wolves.

Scene change.

The music becomes lyrical. Far from the place where Koukol met his tragic end, the happy escapees journey through the now starlit night. Professor Abronsius, busy with his notebook, goes on ahead of the lovers and eventually takes his place at the front of the apron, where he gives all his attention to his notes.

Behind him, Alfred and Sarah stand in the centre of the stage: two lovers under the spell of the moonlit winter landscape. A hint of Puccini:

Alfred: Sarah, you are weak,
Rest in my arms!
Everything will be alright,
We’re safe.

I’ll stay awake for you
And protect you from ghosts.
Our nightmare is over,
Daybreak is not far away.

Sarah and Alfred: Everything will be different now
Never again locked up
Never again alone.

Sarah: Go where I like
Alfred: Show what I feel
Sarah: Bathe every day
Alfred: Fear and cold will be over

Sarah and Alfred: On the other side of the forests
On the other side of the mountains
Sarah: Everything will be new.

Sarah and Alfred: Outside is freedom
There, where the horizon begins
There’s a land
Where all miracles are possible.

Alfred: No wall that can separate us,
No barrier that we can’t overcome.

Alfred and Sarah: Stay with me,
Because with you
I can go to the stars,
See into the future!

Alfred takes Sarah in his arms. She looks over his shoulder to the audience. She opens her mouth and we see that she has grown vampire teeth.

Alfred and Sarah: Outside is freedom
There’s nothing that can separate us
Outside is freed-

The music rises. Sarah bites Alfred’s throat. A drop of blood falls onto his hand.

Alfred: What is that?
Sarah: Blood, darling. Lick it up!

He does this.

Alfred: Not bad at all.

Alfred and Sarah sink into a deep embrace. The lighting steers our attention to Professor Abronsius, who has temporarily stopped work on his notes and looks happily at the audience.

Abronsius: We have escaped,
My mind has triumphed
And protected humanity from ruin.
The scientists at Königsberg University
Will be green with envy
When the Nobel Prize is awarded to me.

He writes another sentence in his notebook.

Through my research
I have proven
There are living dead
Here at least.
They leave
Their coffins at night
And suck blood out of the throats of the living.

Professor Abronsius puts his notebook in his pocket, gets up and walks away. Alfred and Sarah follow. The three exit through the auditorium, while the vampires come onto the stage.

Luckily our good sense can
Overcome them. We are safe
Thanks to intellect and science.
Our targets are clear, our methods work
We are practical and enlightened.
Progress is unstoppable,
The world is no longer what it was.

Alfred, Sarah and Professor Abronsius have disappeared. On the stage and in the auditorium, the vampires seize power.

A female vampire: Take what you want
Or it will be taken from you.
Be a pig
Or someone will bawl you out.
Rake in the money
And buy the world!
Don’t be soft!
The rules are rough.

Two female vampires: Show your fist
Or you will be hit.
Push yourself forward
Or you will be overlooked.
When you want to decide,
Instead of asking others,
You must learn to go over to corpses.

All: We want to rush out of the darkness into the sun
Because limits hold us no longer.
Our targets are clear
Our methods work
We are dead, yet we live
As long as you feed us!
We are coming!
And soon the world will belong to us
(And soon the world will belong to us)
We come out of the night.
Watch out!
We want glitter and glory.
Watch out!
We want anything and everything.
Watch out!
The vampires invite you to dance
The vampires invite you to dance.
Set Heaven alight
And give Lucifer roses!
The world belongs to the liars
And the ruthless.
Join hands with the murderers!
Crawl in the dust in front of the great!
The world belongs to the crawlers
And the merciless.

Group 2 (simultaneously): The vampires invite you to dance
We want anything and everything.
The vampires invite you to dance
We want anything and everything.

Group 3 (simultaneously): Set Heaven alight
And give Lucifer roses!
The world belongs to the liars
And the ruthless.
Join hands with the murderers!
Crawl in the dust in front of the great!
The world belongs to the crawlers
And the merciless.
Set Heaven alight
And give Lucifer roses!
The world belongs to the liars
And the ruthless.

All: We want to do what is fun for us
And to be how we are.
We’ll hide ourselves no longer,
The dance of the wild hearts begins!

Groups 1 and 4 (simultaneously): The vampires invite you to dance
We want anything and everything.
The vampires invite you to dance
We want anything and everything.

The vampires in the auditorium dance back to the stage. Dance sequence.

All: We want to rush out of the darkness into the sun
Because limits hold us no longer.
Our targets are clear
Our methods work
We are dead, yet we live
As long as you feed us!
We are coming!
And soon the world will belong to us
(And soon the world will belong to us)
We come out of the night.
Watch out!
We want glitter and glory.
Watch out!
We want anything and everything.
Watch out!
The vampires invite you to dance
The vampires invite you to dance.

Group 2 (simultaneously): The vampires invite you to dance
We want anything and everything.
The vampires invite you to dance
We want anything and everything.

Group 3 (simultaneously): Set Heaven alight
And give Lucifer roses!
The world belongs to the liars
And the ruthless.
Join hands with the murderers!
Crawl in the dust in front of the great!
The world belongs to the crawlers
And the merciless.

All: We want to do what is fun for us
And to be how we are.
We’ll hide ourselves no longer,
The dance of the wild hearts begins!

Groups 1 and 4 (simultaneously): The vampires invite you to dance
We want anything and everything.
The vampires invite you to dance
We want anything and everything.

All: We drink blood,
We have no morality.
We don’t give a shit what happens to this world.
We drink blood,
We have no morality.
We don’t give a shit what happens to this world.

[Originally in English]

We drink your blood and then we eat your soul,
Nothing’s gonna stop us, let the bad times roll!
We drink your blood and then we eat your soul,
Nothing’s gonna stop us, let the bad times roll!

The vampires invite you to dance!
