Won’t You Take Some More
Remember those musicals that got dug up some months ago? Well, I finally got round to adding pages for the The Dream Engine and More Than You Deserve audition tapes.
Most of the songs on the The Dream Engine audition tape are known from the live recording. The only ‘new’ track is "You’ve Got to Love Me with the Sun in Your Eyes Until the Day That You Go Blind".
The More Than You Deserve tape contains more previously unheard material, including songs from Jim’s score for The Good Woman of Szechuan . "Song of the Golden Egg" and "Souvenirs" are pretty rad.
If you want to hear these tapes, see my previous post. Meanwhile, recordings of the two final performances of More Than You Deserve came to light. You can find links to those on The Rockman Record
Finally, I went to Seinäjoki, Finland to see Tanz der Vampire. I posted a review on my weblog. There’s a post on the the novel Whistle Down the Wind there as well.